Ashoka Build Con

A Platform to Showcase Excellence in Infrastructure Development


Excellence in development and execution of infrastructure projects

Ashoka Buildcon is a leading infrastructure development company known for its expertise in constructing highways, bridges, and power projects. Their website showcases their portfolio of completed projects, ongoing ventures, and future developments, providing comprehensive information to clients and stakeholders. With a user-friendly interface and easy navigation, our brilliant developers have imbibed the Ashoka Buildcon website to offer a seamless browsing experience for visitors, enabling them to explore the company's achievements and capabilities.

Challenges Solutions

  • 01.

    Ensuring accurate and reliable tracking of employee attendance based on their geo-location.

    Deployed advanced technologies such as GPS tracking and biometric authentication can enhance the accuracy and reliability of employee attendance tracking, ensuring compliance and accountability.

  • 02.

    Handling multiple verticals and their respective employees, each with different roles and responsibilities.

    Adopted an integrated workforce management system that allows seamless management of multiple verticals and employees with customizable admin roles and permissions.

  • 03.

    Generating comprehensive reports that provide meaningful insights and analytics based on employee data and attendance.

    Developed automated reporting features that can generate customized reports based on predefined parameters and key performance indicators.

Let's Get Started