
A One-Stop Shop For Leading Source Of News And Insight Serving The Brand Marketing Ecosystem


A priceless resource for professionals and businesses in the advertising and marketing world

Our developers created a platform for Adweek, a prominent advertising and marketing industry publication, providing news, analysis, and insights on advertising, branding, media, and technology trends. It covers a wide range of topics including advertising campaigns, industry trends, creative strategies, media buying, and marketing innovations. Adweek serves as a valuable resource for professionals in the advertising and marketing fields, providing them with the latest industry updates and thought leadership.

Challenges Solutions

  • 01.

    Discussing and comprehending the complex features and functionalities of Adweek from the client's perspective, ensuring a clear understanding of their requirements.

    Conducted thorough discussions and workshops with the client to gain a comprehensive understanding of Adweek's features and functionalities. Maintained close collaboration with business analysts and clients, ensuring continuous communication and clarification of requirements.

  • 02.

    Reviewing test cases, tracking the status of bugs raised by QA, and sharing bug status with the client requires meticulous attention to detail and efficient bug management processes.

    Implemented robust QA processes, reviewing test cases, and promptly tracked and addressed bugs raised by QA, ensuring timely resolution and client satisfaction.

  • 03.

    Efficient project tracking and management are essential for successful execution.

    Utilizing tools like Jira boards to maintain epics, features, user stories, tasks, and bugs helped in organizing and tracking progress. Conducted regular meetings, such as sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and huddle calls, aiding in communication, issue resolution, and kept the project on track.

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